Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery Act 2015- Policy Statement

Human trafficking and slavery have no place in the modern world. Pickstock Telford Ltd are committed to the highest standards throughout our supply chain and protecting our employees from exploitation.

Pickstock are a business where our people make the difference. Without their hard work, commitment and dedication we cannot achieve our aim to be our customers’ first choice of red meat products. We have an extensive supply chain and we recognise the risks of human trafficking and slavery. We are fully committed to protect our team and provide employment equality.

Pickstock will never knowingly enter into a business relationship with any company that has/is involved with human trafficking or slavery.

Here at Pickstock we do not use temporary agency workers. All our employees are permanent members of staff that have applied for their position and have been recruited following our recruitment policy and procedures.

Auditing and Monitoring

Through regular internal audits we assess how the business is performing and if/ when necessary take the correct action to protect the wellbeing of our Pickstock family.

We monitor the risks of human trafficking and slavery by building relationships and achieving a more resilient supply chain to help reduce these. In turn, helping to improve quality and productivity.

Our aim is to enhance our brands integrity by gaining a deeper understanding of our and our supply chains deeper issues, which in-turn will strengthen our approach to ethical trading.

We are audited via eternal auditing bodies on a regular basis. Our SWA audited reports are accessible to all that request to see it. Our procurement team visit our supply chain to ensure that they are compliant and hold an accredited certification (if applicable) the majority of our supply chain and customers are certified under Red Tractor Farm Assurance or other recognised food assurance policy.

Training and awareness

We provide our HR and senior operational team’s guidance and training to help identify any potential risks or raised suspicions.

We will also offer support and guidance to our suppliers if they require it.

We encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers.

Continually audit & review our practices for checking all employees are paid at least the minimum wage and have the right to work.

We use the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure how effective we have been to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains.

Directors Commitment and Responsibility

Is fully committed to adopt the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) “base code” to guide our standard and to give us the confidence that we are doing all we can to ensure that all our colleagues, staff and workers enjoy fair decent treatment and their human rights are respected and fully met. Where any potential impact is identified in relation to human rights it is the Company’s policy to investigate such issues.

This policy is in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our group’s slavery and human trafficking statement.