Environmental Policy

This Environment & Sustainability Policy applies to all processes of Pickstock Telford Limited, 45 Hortonwood, Telford, TF1 7FA.

The slaughter, dressing & quartering of cattle. Harvesting and packing of chilled & frozen offal. Deboning of fore’s & hinds into primals, cuts, boxed beef & trims, fresh & frozen. Production of minced meat & meat preparation. Anaerobic Digestion plant to recycle waste ABP material for the generation of biogas and bio fertiliser. Waste water treatment plant for the reuse and reduction of water usage, the business is committed to providing quality products and services, ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for its employees & minimising the impact on the environment.

We strive to be sustainable throughout all of our processes, recognising the importance of our Management Systems. We are a dedicated business and continually improve our Environmental & Sustainable performance through Continuous Improvements on site.

It is our policy to:-

  • Comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements.
  • Identify the environmental aspects associated with our activities and establish a mechanism to reduce and control significant environmental aspects.
  • Review the environmental risks associated with our processes and implement systems to ensure that these risks are minimised where feasible in order to prevent pollution.
  • Implement a system of inspection, testing and maintenance to ensure that environmental aspects continue to be controlled.
    Commit to monitor our impacts on the environment through a documented emissions monitoring regime.
  • Ensure that staff are trained to be aware of the environmental risks identified and their roles in ensuring that these risks are minimised.
  • Establish objectives and targets and audit and review environmental performance to ensure the effectiveness of the EMS is maintained and continual improvement achieved.
  • We are committed to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organisation