EMS Scope

1.2 Scope of EMS

The environmental management system at Pickstock-Telford has been designed to encompass the activities, products and services at the manufacturing site located at Pickstock Telford Ltd, East Hortonwood Abattoir, Hortonwood 45, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 7FA, and any external environmental factors (including those relevant to identified interested parties) that the company can exercise control or influence over.

The scope for the Environmental Management System at Pickstock-Telford is defined below:

EMS Scope


  • All activities related to the production process within the EP installation boundary that could have an impact on the environment
  • Raw Materials provided by suppliers (main and ancillary raw materials – see Environmental Permit definitions)
  • Future activities ***
  • Equipment required by the facility to undertake the production process*
  • Effect of transportation whilst on site **
  • Transportation issues for raw material supply, waste and product distribution **
  • Supply chain activities
  • Product usage/end of life


*Equipment installed is accepted by the regulator as meeting BAT. Capital expenditure to source more sustainably for such equipment now would be financially prohibitive. However, environmental considerations will form part of any future procurement plans

**Transportation miles for raw material suppliers, waste removal contractors and outgoing product distribution are 3rd party controlled. Pickstock-Telford is limited in their ability to control or place restrictions on transportation methods and distances; however, the company will engage with transport contractors to influence any environmental concerns or impacts identified by the EMS.

***This will be exclusively dealt with under the New Projects Procedure, EM 02-016. This ensures that all aspects, impacts and potentially significant aspects are considered prior to any modifications to the facility, process, or infrastructure.

Indirect impacts of certain parameters inside the scope of the EMS will be covered by the EMS, for example, extraneous materials that are acquired with raw materials.

The scope of the EMS will be reviewed on a regular basis and can be amended, where relevant, to reflect business ethos and financial conditions that prevail at that time.